Should my business use AI to generate SEO content?

AI generated image of happy robots around a computer screen

AI generated image of Excited robots around a computer screen
AI generated image of Excited robots around a computer screen

AI for SEO content creation is the process of using robots/algorithms/machines (aka artificial intelligence aka AI), to create non-human content that sounds like a human.  It should be relevant, high-quality, and personalized.  In theory, this type of content should help you rank better on search engines (like Google and Bing), attract more traffic and potential customers, and save time and resources.

What is it?  AI for SEO content optimization is the process of using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze and improve your existing content based on various factors such as keywords, topics, user intent, competitors, and search engine guidelines.  Used correctly, this type of optimization can help you boost your content’s performance, relevance, and authority, and avoid penalties or ranking drops.

I first heard about ChatGBT probably within 24 hours of its launch.  My friend told me about it at dinner- he’s an advanced coder (basically can program/write software, etc.).  We spent the whole night asking it questions and talking about the implications this had on the world.  The opportunities were endless.  We weren’t the only early adaptors- there were 1 million users just 5 days later. 

At UAscend, we are a Digital Marketing Agency- we help clients attract new clients online.  Just one client alone could spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars each month to have new, relevant SEO content posted to their website.  Our agency alone spends tens of hours just editing SEO content (significantly longer if we write it ourselves)! 

I thought- we’d never need to spend time or money again on content!  Hold your horses, it’s not that simple…

AI for SEO content creation and optimization can offer many benefits for your business, such as:

  – Faster and easier keyword research and content planning

  – Better understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences

  – Higher quality and more engaging content that answers user questions and provides value

  – More consistent and accurate content that meets Google’s E.A.T standards

  – More efficient and scalable content production and management

– However, AI for SEO content creation and optimization also has some limitations and challenges, such as:

  – The need for human oversight and editing to ensure accuracy, originality, and readability

  – The risk of losing your brand voice or personality if you rely too much on AI-generated content

  – The ethical and legal implications of using AI-generated content without proper attribution or consent

  – The difficulty of keeping up with the changing algorithms and best practices of SEO

Therefore, whether your business should use AI to generate SEO content depends on several factors, such as your goals, budget, resources, industry, audience, and competitors. You should weigh the pros and cons of using AI for SEO content creation and optimization and decide what works best for your specific situation. You should also monitor the results of using AI for SEO content creation and optimization and make adjustments as needed. AI for SEO content creation and optimization can be a powerful tool to enhance your online presence and grow your business, but it should not replace human creativity, expertise, and judgment. Trust me! 😊

Here are some common pitfalls or challenges of using AI for SEO:

Quality and accuracy: AI tools are not perfect and can make mistakes. They may also not understand the context or intent of what you are trying to say or achieve. Therefore, you need to check the content generated by AI for SEO for grammatical errors, factual errors, relevance, and coherence.

Plagiarism: AI tools may produce content that is similar or identical to existing web content, which can harm your reputation and ranking. You need to ensure that the content generated by AI for SEO is original and unique, and that you give proper attribution and credit to the sources and information used.

AI generated image of happy robots around a computer screen
AI generated image of happy robots around a computer screen

Ethics and legality: AI tools may produce content that is inappropriate, offensive, misleading, or violates the ethical and legal principles of your niche and market. You need to ensure that the content generated by AI for SEO complies with the standards and regulations of your industry and audience, and that you do not use AI for SEO for malicious or deceptive purposes.

Algorithm changes: AI tools rely on data and algorithms to generate and optimize content for SEO.  So do search engines like Google and Bing, who are constantly updating and changing their own algorithms (to provide better results and user experience so you keep trusting their results and using their platforms).  

You need to keep up with the latest algorithm changes and best practices of SEO and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Underdeveloped AI: AI tools are still evolving and developing, and they may not be able to handle complex or creative tasks that require human intelligence and judgment. You need to be realistic about the capabilities and limitations of AI for SEO and use it as a supplemental tool to enhance your content creation & optimization process, not an all-encompassing replacement.

Slow results: AI tools can help you save time and money in creating and optimizing content for SEO, but they cannot guarantee immediate or guaranteed results. SEO is a long-term and ongoing process that requires patience, persistence, and experimentation. You need to monitor and measure the impact of using AI for SEO on your website performance, traffic, conversions, and revenue.

Too many tools: There are many different AI tools for SEO available on the market, each with different features, functionality, pricing, and suitability. You need to compare and evaluate different AI tools for SEO based on your needs, goals, budget, industry, audience, and competitors. You also need to avoid using too many tools at once, as this can cause confusion, inconsistency, and inefficiency. 😊

What are some best practices for using AI for SEO?

Train and calibrate your AI algorithms: When using AI SEO, it is important to ensure that the algorithms are properly trained and calibrated. This ensures that the AI can accurately analyze data and make decisions based on the data provided. You should also monitor and evaluate the performance and outcomes of your AI SEO tools and adjust as needed.

Use AI SEO tools to complement human insights and creativity: AI SEO tools can help you save time and money, boost your ranking and visibility, and generate new ideas and content. However, they cannot replace human intuition and creativity. You should use AI SEO tools as a tool to enhance your content creation and optimization process, not replace it.  You should also review and edit the content generated by AI SEO tools and verify its sources and information.

Keep up with the latest algorithm changes and best practices: AI SEO tools rely on data and algorithms to generate and optimize content for SEO. However, search engines like Google constantly update and change their algorithms to provide better results and user experience. You need to keep up with the latest algorithm changes and best practices of SEO and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Choose the right AI SEO tool for your needs: There are many different AI SEO tools available on the market, each with different features, functionality, pricing, and suitability. You need to compare and evaluate different AI SEO tools based on your needs, goals, budget, industry, audience, and competitors. You also need to avoid using too many tools at once, as this can cause confusion, inconsistency, and inefficiency. 😊

So how do you compare which tools are best for SEO?

Reading reviews and testimonials: You can look for online reviews and testimonials from other users or experts who have tried or evaluated different AI tools for SEO. You can learn from their experiences, opinions, feedback, and ratings, and see what they liked or disliked about each tool. You can also look for case studies or examples of how each tool has helped other businesses achieve their SEO goals.

Checking features and functionality: You can compare the features and functionality of different AI tools for SEO by visiting their websites, watching demos or tutorials, or signing up for free trials or plans. You can see what each tool can do, how it works, and how easy or difficult it is to use. You can also test the quality and accuracy of the content generated by each tool and see how it matches your expectations and standards.

Comparing pricing and value: You can compare the pricing and value of different AI tools for SEO by looking at their pricing plans, subscription models, discounts, or offers. You can see how much each tool costs, what you get for your money, and how it fits your budget. You can also weigh the costs and benefits of each tool and see which one offers the best return on investment. 😊

AI generated image of Excited robots around a computer screen
AI generated image of Excited robots around a computer screen

What are some examples of successful AI SEO campaigns?

**Semrush**: Semrush is a leading AI SEO tool that helps marketers create and optimize content for SEO.  One of our success stories involved using Semrush to help our clients in the gourmet foods industry optimize their digital advertising campaigns. By using Semrush’s machine learning algorithms to automatically optimize ad campaigns across multiple platforms, UAscend was able to increase clicks and conversions significantly in just a few weeks.

**Backlinko**: Backlinko is a popular SEO blog that provides actionable tips and strategies for SEO.  Another one of our success stories is with a client of ours that were able to use Backlinko’s SEO campaign framework to rank for competitive keywords in our client’s Medspa niche.  By following Backlinko’s steps of finding keywords, publishing high-quality content, on-site optimization, and building backlinks, our client was able to increase their 8 targeted keywords to the 1st page of an organic traffic search.

 **Ascend SEO**: Ascend SEO is an SEO software tool that provides specific SEO and courses to each client.   One of our success stories is with an ecommerce website called, which used Ascend SEO’s campaign process to rank for keywords related to their products.  By following Ascend SEO’s steps of analyzing website setup, performing an SEO audit, setting campaign goals, performing topic and keyword research, crafting page titles, publishing great content, and working on on-page SEO, this client was able to increase their organic traffic by 100% in 12 months.

What are some examples of AI tools for SEO content creation and optimization?

**SurferSEO**: This tool helps you write and edit SEO-friendly content and get AI suggestions from your Search Console data to improve performance. It also helps you with content clustering, content planning, and content briefs.

**Frase**: This tool helps you with writing, research, outlines, and optimization. It also helps you with content analysis, summarization, question answering, and voice search optimization.

**Jasper**: This tool helps you generate high-quality content for any topic or keyword. It also helps you with headlines, intros, outlines, and blog posts.

**INK**: This tool helps you optimize your existing content for SEO and readability. It also helps you with keyword research, content scoring, and competitor analysis.

**Outranking**: This tool helps you research, write, and optimize SEO content in minutes. It also helps you with content briefs, outlines, SERP analysis, and keyword suggestions.

****: This tool helps you research, write, and optimize SEO content in minutes. It also helps you with content briefs, outlines, SERP analysis, and keyword suggestions.

**Copy.AI**: This tool helps you generate creative and engaging content for your website or blog. It also helps you with slogans, taglines, descriptions, bios, and more.

**SE Ranking**: This tool helps you monitor and improve your SEO performance. It also helps you with keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and website audit.

**MarketMuse**: This tool helps you create authoritative and comprehensive content for your niche. It also helps you with content strategy, content inventory, content briefs, and content scoring.

**Wordlift**: This tool helps you enrich your content with semantic markup and structured data. It also helps you with markup, knowledge graph creation, entity extraction, and internal linking.

Which AI is the best for my business?

That’s tough to answer as your business may utilize certain features better than others- so it really depends on your goals.  Let’s not forget that pricing is always a factor.

Industry: This is clearly a factor.  A doctor, for example, needs highly specialized content that should likely (potentially even legally) reviewed by someone like a doctor.  Whereas an ecommerce dog store business that is looking for content about their adorable, fashionable dog collars does not require a doctor to review. 

Your skill level: Are you skilled in the art of Search Engine Optimization?   Do words like backlinks and domain authority sound like sweet search engine poetry or a foreign language?  If you are a technical wizard genius ninja when it comes to SEO, you’ll likely be okay with certain tools that others may struggle with.

Choose a tool that fits in your toolbelt!

Budget: A lot of the tools out there offer free trials…typically just enough time to get hooked (or realize that it’s not a good investment).  Tighter budgets= less options but if you can learn to utilize the free trials you may not need to spend anything at all! 

If you are spending a lot of time writing content, you’ll just need to calculate how much your time is worth.

Goals: What are you trying to achieve with SEO and content creation? Some tools may be more focused on certain aspects or stages of SEO, such as keyword research, content optimization, or rank tracking, while others may offer a more comprehensive or holistic solution. You should look for a tool that aligns with your goals and helps you measure and improve your results. 😊

Better yet, contact UAscend and we’ll do a complimentary analysis of your business and how AI can help.  We’ll even use some AI to do it (but then we’ll use our humans to review and discuss with you because we’re old fashioned like that)!

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