9 Things to Know About Online Reputation Management

online reputation management beer thumbs up

Online reputation management is the process of monitoring, influencing, and controlling the online conversation about an individual, brand, or business. It is an essential aspect of modern digital marketing, as the internet has become a primary source of information for consumers. A positive online reputation can help a business attract new customers, while a negative

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How much should my business pay for digital marketing each month in 2023?

Investing in your business with time and money

Digital marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, as it allows companies to reach their target audience and promote their products and services online. However, it can also be a significant investment, and it is important for businesses to budget carefully to ensure they are getting the most value for their money. So, how

How much should my business pay for digital marketing each month in 2023? Read More »

5 Reasons Why Healthcare Businesses Need to Invest in Digital Marketing in 2023

healthcare worker at computer in mask

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential for any business, including a medical practice. Digital marketing can help a medical practice attract new patients, retain existing patients, and improve the overall patient experience. Here are a few reasons why digital marketing is important for a medical practice: 1. Reach a wider audience

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10 Things Your Practice Needs to Thrive During Coronavirus and the Economic Downturn

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How can your office can come out even stronger than before during uncertain times? We’ll go through Top 10 things you should be focusing on. Let’s start with an easy one… 1.    Don’t panic It’s easy to panic. It’s natural. Especially after “good times.” Just remember that markets go up and down, and pandemics are beaten with vaccines and

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11 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Healthcare Marketing Agency for Your Practice

What makes a healthcare marketing agency so effective compared to a regular online marketing firm? They say you cannot really know your brand until you have a background about what makes it “tick.”  Someone who handles marketing for doctors, lawyers, software providers, e-commerce businesses, real estate agents and manufacturing companies may know a little about all

11 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Healthcare Marketing Agency for Your Practice Read More »

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